Monday, August 10, 2015

The Competition of Making Htamane

Htamanebwe, the competition of making Htamane, a concoction of glutinous rice, coconut slices, sessamum seeds, and a large amount of cooking oil

The Burmese have the harvest festival and the making of Htamane, a concoction of glutinous rice, coconut slices, sessamum seeds, and a large amount of cooking oil, in Tabotwe (February) the 11th month of Burmese Calendar. Htamane feast is celebrated communally of done in private family. The nature of the feast is a big gathering because many hands are needed to make Htamane. In accordance with Myanmar custom and tradition, it is also celebrated in schools and universities and strong and hard working students usually participate in this competition which requires unity, cooperation, hard work and skill.


Rector, Dr Ko Ko Kyaw Soe awards the prize winning team

Rector, Dr Ko Ko Kyaw Soe awards the prize winning team

Faculty members pose documentary photo with the first prize winners

Teachers of Department of Myanmar pose documentary photo with the first prize winners